More Milk. More Components. More Effective Nutrition.
Let us show you how improving nutrient delivery can increase your yields.
Component yields have never been more important to dairy farmers.
Raw material costs are rising. Consumer pressure for sustainable production is growing. And in some regions, farmers are operating under quota systems that impact their profitability.
The Scale Up™ Program turns production challenges into herd profitability with innovative feeding strategies and technology that enhance rumen fermentation and improve nutrient delivery. Our science- based approach is proven to help optimize your milk and component yields at every stage of lactation.
With the goal of putting more money in your pocket, the Scale Up™ Program is designed to maximize fluid milk and component production without sacrificing welfare, cow comfort, and sustainability.
Whether your production goal is increased pounds of components, milk yield, or both, the Scale UpTM Program delivers on these goals throughout lactation. Utilizing this program, a herd’s environmental footprint of milk production can be reduced through improved productivity resulting in additional profit potential.
When you partner with NOVUS, our products, programs, and services are just the beginning.